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Dental and Soft Tissue Surgery

You may need to have a tooth extracted for a number of reasons such as decay, injury, or as part of orthodontic treatment.


While most root canals are successful, there are times when a root canal alone isn’t sufficient. If the infection from the dead nerve inside a tooth spreads beyond the tooth root and into the surrounding bone, you may need an apicoectomy. During an apicoectomy, Dr. Clemens removes the infected portion of the tooth’s root in order to clean the infection from the tooth and surrounding bone and then fills the root to prevent future infections.

Exposing Impacted Teeth as Part of Orthodontic Treatment

It is not uncommon for teeth other than wisdom teeth to be impacted, or blocked from entering the mouth. Fortunately, Dr. Clemens can bring the impacted tooth through the gum and into the correct position – giving you a beautiful healthy smile.


Frena are small folds of tissue located in the mouth: under the tongue, inside the upper lip, inside the lower lip, and connecting the cheeks to the gums. A frenectomy is a simple procedure performed in the oral and facial surgeon’s office to loosen the frenum’s connection and extend the range of motion in that part of the body.

Dental Hemisection and Root Amputation

If, even after a root canal, one or more of the tooth’s roots should become infected or there is significant bone loss around the tooth, your dentist may refer you for a hemisection or root amputation. During a hemisection, Dr. Clemens removes one-half of the tooth, leaving a serviceable one-rooted tooth. The term “root amputation” refers to the surgical removal of one root of a multi-rooted tooth.

Other Soft Tissue Surgeries

Soft tissue grafts, Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADS), Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty, and Crown Lengthening Procedures.